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Byd Brynrefail Rhifyn 17
A word form the Headteacher
Dear Parents / Guardians
Here we are at the end of another year at Ysgol Brynrefail! As you can see from this issue the past few months have been very busy for our pupils and staff at the school. It has been wonderful to see the pupils return to enjoy the usual school experiences prior to the lock down, including competing in the Urdd Eisteddfod, taking part in sports and athletics competitions, a visit to London by some pupils and the skills days. We were extremely fortunate with the weather this year, which meant that the outdoor experiences of cycling, walking, kayaking and various sporting activities were much more enjoyable. It's also been great to see our young people going out on work experience again and starting to prepare for the future.
Older pupils at the school are also to be congratulated for the mature way in which they have coped with the requirements of the GCSE and A level examinations this year. It was not an easy experience for them after a long period without having external exams. We had the opportunity to formally thank year 13 pupils at a farewell buffet at the school recently. Year 11 pupils had the opportunity to dress up and enjoy a prom to celebrate the end of a period at Ysgol Brynrefail at the Vic Hotel Llanberis.
It is also coming to an end for me as Headteacher at Ysgol Brynrefail after 10 years of working at this very special school. I will be moving to a new post as Gwynedd Secondary Schools Core Leader with GwE. It has been an honour and a privilege to serve as Headteacher of Ysgol Brynrefail. My ambition in this role was to ensure that the pupils in this area receive the best possible education, experiences and opportunities. It is pleasing to note that our school is recognized as an excellent school by organizations such as Estyn. I would like to thank the staff and Governors of the school for their support over the years. Special thanks to the Deputy Headteacher Elfed Williams who will be retiring after 29 very loyal years of service to the school. Thanks also to you as parents for your support to me and the school over the years. I wish Ysgol Brynrefail every success in the future!
Ellen Williams